Modern Joint Medical Augmentation Unit


Written by DeveloperNes


There isn't very much public information about JMAU's selection and training process, however we do know a majority of JMAU Medical Sqdn members are from US Army SF, more specifically the 18D MOS, as they have very similar jobs. Some traditionally non-combat MOSs can join JMAU as well as JMAU members don't recieve extensive combat training, only enough to stay alive behind everyone else and to provide security for CCPs if neeeded.


The organization of JMAU isn't fully public, but based on some declassified JSOC documents, we know that they have a Medical Squadron which contains Expeditionary Medical Teams/Augmentation Teams that are very modular in terms of the members of the team. There are two main kinds of bottom level organizations in JMAU, Augmentation Teams and embeds, embeds are JMAU members (usually just 1) who stay with the main unit as they do their objective, a big difference here though is that in ODAs, 18Ds are also part of the combat, however JMAU embeds only fight if they absolutely have to, generally they are in the back of the stack just following the unit. As for Aug Teams, they are probably a 4-6 man team, Aug Teams are usually on standby with an exfil helo or at a CCP. Aug Teams are made up of Physician Assistants, Truama Surgeons, and Combat Live Savers (for more nurse-ish tasks).


I haven't seen any modern images of JMAU, most of the common ones are actually SOST/SORT and not JMAU. I'd guess their guns are either pretty minimal to allow for easier treatment, or just whatever the unit they are operating with will lend them.


Same case here, although we do know they at least carry some kind of field care pack, Aug Teams also carry additional tools to set up a basic operating room at a CCP.


According to the US Army Physician Assistant Handbook, "The Joint Medical Augmentation Unit (JMAU) provides highly mobile, far-forward, expeditionary damage-control surgery, resuscitation, and emergency critical care transport in support of JSOC mission requirements in order to achieve US national objectives. Additionally, the JMAU provides or coordinates integrated theater-level medical support such as medical planning, theater and strategic medical evacuation, medical logistics, blood support, and veterinary operations. The JMAU medical squadron commander or senior PA is the lead for 65D hires."
