Written by DeveloperNes

75th Ranger Regiment -> Regimental Special Troops Battalion-> Regimental Reconnaissance Company Stationed at Fort Benning, Ga.
RTAC stands for Ranger Training Assessment Course, a 14-day training program that prepares soldiers for the US Army Ranger School. After RTAC, they go to RASP which lasts 8 weeks, and after being in a line battalion for a while, they go to RTC, Recon Training Course is a course offered specifically as a training course for Regimental Reconnaissance Company, RTC is a 29 week course that teaches military free fall, advanced communications, photography, and most importantly target surveillance, acquisition, and tracking, being able to use footprints and other natural tracking methods to determine where someone went is a large part of RTC and is some of the reason RRC members are embedded in other JSOC units when hunting targets so often.
The Regimental Special Troops Battalion has five companies: Ranger Reconnaissance Company; Ranger Military Intelligence Company; Ranger Selection and Training Company; Ranger Communications Company; and Headquarters and Headquarters Company. It used to be 3 detachments, one for each Ranger Battalion. That's back when it was called RRD, early on in the GWOT, it was renamed RRC and reorganized and expanded both in number of personnel and scope of missions. Modern RRC contains 6 teams instead of 3, each team lead by a Master Sergeant TL and made up of by ~6 guys. It's unlikely they have their own HQ team, it's more likely they are commanded by the Special Troops Battalion HHC (Headquarters and Headquarters Company). Overtime RRC became more of a JSOC asset than a 75th RR one, RRC members embedded in JSOC kill teams hunting war criminals in Bosnia, although a full team was never deployed to Bosnia.
Other Past Operations
- Regimental Reconnaissance Detachment Team 3 conducted a combat military freefall parachute drop onto Wrath Drop Zone in southeast Afghanistan on Nov. 10, 2001, to establish a Flight Landing Strip for follow on combat operations.
- Regimental Reconnaissance Detachment Team 3 conducted a combat static line parachute drop onto Shiloh Drop Zone in southeast Afghanistan on Nov. 21, 2001, to establish a flight Landing Strip for follow on combat operations.
- Regimental Reconnaissance Detachment Team 3 conducted a combat military freefall parachute drop onto Tillman Drop Zone in southeast Afghanistan in July 2004 to emplace tactical equipment.
- Regimental Reconnaissance Company Team 1 conducted a combat military freefall parachute drop with tandem passenger in Afghanistan on July 11, 2009 in order to emplace tactical equipment.

For modern, likely the same as Rangers but with some extra funding from JSOC. RRC members have been known to use GPNVGs when doing missions for JSOC or when embedded in JSOC units
According to soc.mil, "The Ranger Reconnaissance Company (RRC) provides worldwide reconnaissance and operation preparation of the environment in support of the 75th Ranger Regiment and other special operations units.". This quote is somewhat incomplete however, RRC/RRD teams were known to conduct targeted raids in Afghanistan and Iraq. This makes sense though, the amount of HVTs during GWOT meant raids were often prioritized over long range surveillance or tracking, as a technically raid-capable tier 1 force, it makes sense why they were often tasked with raids.