Written by DeveloperNes
Candidates first pass the regular Special Forces Pipeline (Read the Modern ODA Page) then they go through SFARTAETC, SFARTAETC was first introduced for CIFs, then for CRFs, and now CTACs as CIFs and CRFs no longer exist. SFARTAETC covers marksmanship, subterranean warfare, CQB, and hard target defeat.
Each SFG has one CTAC (other than 10th, which has two):
- C Co, 1st BN, 1st SFG(A)
- B Co., 2nd BN, 3rd SFG(A)
- A Co., 1st BN, 5th SFG(A)
- C Co, 3rd BN, 7th SFG(A)
- B Co, 1st BN, 10th SFG(A)
- C Co., 2nd BN, 10th SFG(A)
According to Tim Kennedy (Former 7th SFG CIF), Each CIF is made up of two troops, each troop has two main assault force ODAs and one recce ODA, the recce ODA has a sniper team and HUMINT personnel, while the two main assault force ODAs are set up as normal. While this is from about 2005/2006, it's highly probable that it's still used for CTAC.
Same as a regular ODA, the difference here would be that they allegedly have the Sig CSAW (Close Support Assault Weapon) in testing.
Same as regular ODA, the difference here is that unit staff are sometimes allowed GPNVGs for specific operations. CTAC also has it's own patch, an American flag with a skull on the right with a sword going through the middle of the skull and two arrows going through diagonally (see the image above and the amazon link at the end).
I could write this myself, however in the words of a CTAC operator: "Unlike the transition from CIF to CRF, CTAC is a fundamental change in mission set. Whereas CIF/CRF acted as a forward deployed HR and DA force; sort of like a "junior JSOC SMU", for lack of a better word (at least in principle. They rarely were used in that capacity and I'm not sure if they've ever conducted a HR in their entire existence). CTACs - on the other hand - are more focused on hard targets, infrastructure, and subterranean combat (everyone thinks that if a war with China happens, we'll be fighting in tunnels...). They're obviously still more DA focused than you're typical SF company, but CTAC is much more than a name change."